Sil-Matrix is a unique combination of both a preventive fungicide and a contact miticide/insecticide. Sil-Matrix controls mites and insects that it contacts, controlling their populations. It forms a physical barrier within the leaf cuticle that prevents penetration of fungal diseases. Sil-Matrix prevents penetration of fungi and acts as a desiccant to make plants less palatable for insects.
Silicon-based materials have been used for decades for natural control of fungal plant pathogens, insects and spider mites. They feature multiple modes of action and multiple benefits. When applied to plant foliage as a preventive, the silicon in Sil-MATRIX is taken INTO the plant cuticle and forms a silicon matrix that acts as a physical barrier. Pathogenic fungi (using infection pegs) and spider mites (with their piercing sucking mouthparts) have difficulty penetrating the silicon barrier. As foliar sprays of Sil-MATRIX dry, the potassium silicate that is not incorporated into the plant cuticle forms a layer of silicon crystals ON TOP of the leaf surface.
Sil-Matrix Benefits
Pests & Diseases controlled by Sil-Matrix