Boron, an essential plant nutrient
Boron is one of seven micronutrients essential to all plant growth. Its role was recognized first in the 1920s and since that time, boron deficiency has been recognized in a wide range of crops.
Correcting boron deficiency
Boron deficiency can be remedied by the correct application of a borate containing material in solid or liquid fertilizers, to the seedbed in annual crops or under the foliar canopy of perennial crops.
Blended fertilizers
One very common and practical field method is to blend a suitable boron granule containing the base fertilizer or top dressing. The blend is then applied to the crop in the normal way. Granubor® is particularly suitable for this purpose.
Detecting boron deficiency:
Boron deficiency shows in clearly defined ways in certain crops. Generally, by the time visible symptoms are seen, yields will already have been adversely affected. The best way to establish need is either through soil testing or through tissue analysis. In this way, boron supplementation can form part of a ‘balanced nutrition’ approach to crop fertilization.
A natural product
Granubor is produced solely from sodium tetraborate pentahydrate which is itself refined from tincal ore using only physical means: Crushing, steam, water, settling, and crystillization. Granubor contains no impurities or added ingredients, fillers, or coatings.
A sodium borate
Granubor is a sodium borate, totally soluble and the most appropriate form to provide boron in a soil solution in a timely manner for annual and perennial crops.
Perfect for blending – compatibility with a wide range of fertilizers
A number of factors affect quality of mixing of fertilizers ingredients when they are blended together such as particle size, weight/density and surface characteristics. By far the most important one is the average size of the granules and how similar this is to the average granule size of the other ingredients in the blend.
Granubor has an average particle size of around 2.8 mm, making
it compatible with most fertilizers with a minimum of segregation in bagging, transport and application.