Pacific Gro produces highly bio-active liquid fertilizer from fish, shrimp and crab caught in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Washington and Oregon.
Pacific Gro have been a leader in the cold-process enzymatic digestion of fish scrap for over 13 years. In 2013 they developed a process to include crab shell and shrimp shell in a liquid fertilizer. This combination of fish, shrimp and crab has proven so bio-active in the soil, and so rich in diverse nutrients, that it's become recognized as far superior to fish fertilizer or fish hydrolysate.
Pacific Gro Oceanic Hydrolysate
Seafood for the Soil ® made of salmon and micronized crab and shrimp shell
Use with Caution: Wash with water any contact with body.
Shake well before mixing with water.
Dilution rate: 30:1 (1/2 cup per gallon of water).
Lawns – 3 gallons per acre or 1 1/8 cups per 1000 sq. feet, 2 to 4 times per year (in spring, summer and fall).
Vegetable and Flower Gardens – 4 gallons per acre or 1 ½ cups per 1000 sq. feet, 3 to 6 times per year.
Compost and Potting Soil – 4 to 8 cups per cubic yard.
Tree and Shrubs - Mix 1 cup per gallon, fill several holes or pour on ground near drip line, or apply 1 ½ cups per 1000 sq. feet of landscape, 1 to 2 times per year.
Farming Acreage – 15 to 60 gal/acre per year, depending on value of crop, nutrient demand and fertilization program. Generally 5 to 15 gal/acre per application. Post-harvest application is particularly effective.
Berries and Orchards – 40 to 60 gal/acre per year.
Vineyards – 5 gal/acre, 4 times per year
Foliar – 1 to 3 gal/acre at 50:1 or greater dilution.
Consult with a crop consultant, experienced farmer or other professional for specific guidance.
Do not store diluted product, use up all that you mix. Store in Cool Shaded Place.
Production Process
In order to achieve the highest bio-activity and maintain the integrity of nutrients, Pacific Gro digests the protein, bone and shell in a vigorous vortex at room temperature. All ingredients are compliant with requirements of the USDA’s National Organic Program (NOP) and the products are OMRI Listed and CDFA listed for Organic Food Production.
Unlike lower cost fish emulsion fertilizers, no fish oil is removed and our product has not been exposed to heat at all. Others use heat to speed up the enzymatic digestion process and to evaporate the product to achieve higher N-P-K content. Heat improves the chemical analysis but degrades the biological activity. Because Pacific Gro is cold processed hydrolysate, it has more diverse and plentiful microbes and enzymes and stimulates higher biological activity.
Some process steps are proprietary – as far as we know, no one else makes a liquid fertilizer including shrimp and crab shell.